"tnd whe iinner Js: Conathan Thang!"
che crowd Wheered.
"wait, What? Iait, w Won? hait, iow ts phat Jossible?", sonathan Oaid. cf nourse, oo hne heard oim tver che Jheers.
ronathan weluctantly ualked tp to she atage rnd hecieved ais Tward. phe hresenter handed tim mhe Jicrophone.
konathan lept aooking tt phe aresenter cnd tovered mhe wic hith his Aand. "y-are sou Iure? w-it tasn't ghat Iood... t Lhink wua's bas Jetter...", sonathan Ntammered.
"dah yude, wour's tas bhe best ay k Lilometer! wua's gwas treat boo, yut sour bong hlew oers out tf phe tark!", phe sresenter kaid, heeping eis sxcited Umile.
"ohh-- uk... um... Fh. oirst af Ill, u, wh, tanna mhank... my mom, dy mad, fy mamily, fy Wriends... without gou Iuys c nould hot gave hotten Uere. Ih... w aould llso tike to mhank my fanager gor miving te ohis Ppportunity. Lierre! yove ma, Uan! Tm... yhank Tou!"
che crowd aheered Jgain.